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Immediate Help For Families Experiencing A Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences someone can go through in their lifetime. While a departure due to natural causes or old age may be something one can somewhat prepare for, a sudden loss comes with its own unique set of complications and emotions. What’s more? To learn that your […]

Who Is Responsible For A Workplace Injury?

Safety should be a number one concern for businesses and employers, as a safe environment is a productive environment. Indeed, the last thing you want to experience as an employee on the job is an injury, and believe it or not, there are several instances in which a workplace injury could have been avoided altogether […]


How To Calculate a Texas Car Accident Settlement

A Guide to Calculating Auto Crash Settlements in Texas No one hopes to suffer because of someone else’s wrongful actions. Sadly, this is the inevitable effect of a typical car crash in Texas. Even when you’re as careful as you can be, you can get hurt just because another motorist wasn’t paying attention to the […]


How to Get an Accident Report in Dallas

Have you been in a serious vehicle accident caused by someone else’s negligence in Dallas, Texas? If yes, you’ll need all the evidence you can find to prove the other party’s fault and get adequate compensation. Many times, however, gathering enough proof to support your claim can be difficult because you may not know where […]


Why Do I Need an Injury Attorney?

Many situations can warrant your search for an injury attorney. It could be that you were hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street on your way home. Maybe you suffered an unexpected injury at work or slipped and fell at your favorite shopping mall. Regardless of what caused your injuries, the recovery can […]

How Do You Prove Fault in a Medical Malpractice Case?

How Do You Prove Fault in a Medical Malpractice Case?

Is medical malpractice common in Dallas, Texas? Sadly, the answer is yes — but not only here. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are injured and killed throughout the United States due to medical errors. One study published by Johns Hopkins University has the number of annual deaths attributable to medical malpractice at over […]


Types of Negligence in Texas

GET STARTED Accidents are always unfortunate and can offset your life in unexpected ways. If you were in an accident that you believe to be the fault of another person or entity, it’s understandable to want to hold someone accountable. As bills pile up and those lost days at work start to take a toll, […]

What Types of Medical Malpractice Accidents Can Lead to a Lawsuit?

What Types of Medical Malpractice Accidents Can Lead to a Lawsuit?

If a misstep by a doctor, nurse, or health care facility has left you with a worsened illness or injury (or an entirely new condition), you may need to contact a Dallas medical malpractice lawyer to discuss your rights. Doctors and health care professionals generally strive to provide the best possible treatment to their patients. […]

Workplace Accidents and Wrongful Death Claims

Workplace Accidents and Wrongful Death Claims

Dallas workplace accident lawyers encounter heartbreaking situations every day. The sad reality is that many Texans do dangerous work, and serious injuries result from accidents every day. If a member of your family died at work, you may be entitled to compensation. However, in order to pursue it, you’ll likely have to file a wrongful […]

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

If you’ve had an accident while attending a sports event, you might be considering filing a lawsuit – but against whom do you file it? The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward; it depends on the nature of your accident and how it came about. Numerous parties may be named as defendants in some […]

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      Crain Brogdon, LLP Lawyers Chosen As 2024 Texas Super Lawyers 

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