Category: Product Liability

man asking for the machine's part

Problems Arising From Defective Products

As a consumer, you have an expectation that the item or tool you are purchasing will function as it is intended to. While some tools such as electric saws, drills, and other items of the like may be accompanied by some level of risk,  a consumer should be able to trust that a product will […]

Taking A Look At Consumer Protections

When we are in need of a new tool or product, it goes without saying that safety should be of the utmost concern. In order to avoid injuring or harming consumers, products must meet industry-specific standards set forth by that industry’s appropriate governing body. If an individual becomes harmed as a result of manufacturing errors […]

Different Types of Product Liability

It can be troubling when you purchase a product to use for a specific task only to learn it is defective. What’s more? Defective products and other items can potentially harm someone if they were designed, manufactured, or marketed improperly, and these injuries can range from minor scrapes or cuts to full-out catastrophic damage. Because […]

Supporting People’s Right To Justice

An important value in American society is that people have equal access to justice under the law. Though this is a value we strive to embody, there are several opportunities for improvement as well as ways we can...

Texas Pedestrian Accidents and Top Contributing Factors

By now you may be aware of the staggering vehicle accident statistics that accompany the state of Texas. With so many traffic fatalities and catastrophic...

Automobile Accidents With Catastrophic Outcomes

In one of our previous blogs, we took a closer look at the rule finalized by the NHTSA to reduce collisions in the United States....