Category: Premises Liability

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

Who Is Liable for My Injury at a Sporting Event?

If you’ve had an accident while attending a sports event, you might be considering filing a lawsuit – but against whom do you file it? The answer to this question isn’t always straightforward; it depends on the nature of your accident and how it came about. Numerous parties may be named as defendants in some […]

When is a Public Swimming Pool Liable for Accidents in Texas?

When is a Public Swimming Pool Liable for Accidents in Texas?

Swimming pools are expected to be safe for adults and children, but when pool owners fail to maintain and operate their pools properly, you and your loved ones suffer because of this negligence. The negative impact of such injuries on your life cannot be ignored. You deserve justice for damages suffered. Too many accidents happen […]


Dangers for Swimmers Due to Lifeguard Shortage

Boating, swimming, and water sports offer a great way to beat the summer heat in Texas, but when there’s a notable lifeguard shortage, you may find yourself dealing with the tragedy of a drowning accident. Whether you’ve been injured during a drowning incident or lost a loved one through the negligence or bad behavior of […]

Different Types of Product Liability

It can be troubling when you purchase a product to use for a specific task only to learn it is defective. What’s more? Defective products and other items can...

Catastrophic Injuries and Your Legal Support Options

It goes without saying that the degree of an injury and the impact it has on a person’s life can vary significantly, both short...

Immediate Help For Families Experiencing A Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences someone can go through in their lifetime. While a departure due to natural causes or old age may be something one can somewhat prepare for,...